The activities that you might take part in during a hen party in Las Vegas may different from what the men get up to during their stag party. However, but the focus of being there is the same as theirs, to have fun and enjoy your freedom to go wild. Unlike stag parties which are typically all very similar regardless of where you are, hen parties can normally in one of two very different directions. Some women want a very toned down, restrained hen party, just relaxing and spending time with their female friends. Other women want huge blowouts with all the trimmings associated with an outrageous hen party in Las Vegas.

Fortunately, Las Vegas provides the facilities to allow you to have and enjoy either type of hen party. Firstly you need to choose the hotel that the hens will be staying in carefully with careful consideration of what amenities each of them offer. For the more sedate Las Vegas hen party you might want to select a hotel with a good spa and pampering selection. On the other hand, for indulgent, wild hen parties you might want to see what night clubs are on site and how close the hotel is to the clubs you plan on visiting. Which aspect will be most important will be determined by the focus of the group and so consultation with all the hens will show which hotel will be most appropriate.

During the day you can spend time having a look around the strip and shopping at the myriad of different shops that are on or near the strip. If shopping is your primary concern then you might want to consider staying at Caesar's Palace due to its Forum shops. For the more active hen party in Las Vegas you might consider starting off with a Champagne Buffet at one of the dining establishments, followed by an afternoon quad biking outside Las Vegas. If you just want to get ready for the night ahead you can relax and get pampered at one of the spa's or just relax in your hotel near the pool.
Night time in Las Vegas is really what most hen parties are about, regardless of whether it's a relaxed party or one to let you really let your hair down. For the relaxed option there is the chance to experience an exceptional supper followed by a night of dancing in one of the many different types of clubs. For those women who throw a Las Vegas hen party to go wild there are the many male strip clubs and cabarets to visit. After you've had your fill of sculpted male bodies it's off to the VIP clubs in the area to party until dawn.